Happy holidays everyone!
It's that time of the year, and we've got a ton of festive seasonal content to offer everyone this month! Here is a brief rundown of content available on CatCraft starting throughout this December:
- Winter-themed Lobby and Spawn
- Winter Crate
- Advent Calendar: Collect a free unique gift daily, counting towards Christmas!
- Secret Santa (Ranked)
- XMAS Stockings EVENT (Slay mobs & mine ores for free rarities!)
- Snow Golem Pet
Join the fun on CatCraft this winter season to redeem free advent calendar rewards and grind for XMAS stockings to redeem all the unique winter-themed seasonal rarities! These include a cosmetic Santa hat, Gingerbread tools & Armor, an Elf outfit and much more!
Grab a key, roll the dice and try for any of our 29 rare seasonal Xmas themed items! These crate textures were custom designed and come with fun lore!

Purchase Winter crate keys from the server web store:

Check out the newly decorated winter-themed Lobby and Spawn!

Soft snow has begun to fall in cold biomes in the resource world and at spawn. Rainstorms have been replaced with vigorous but harmless snowstorms.

to toggle the snow particles.ADVENT CALENDAR 🎁 🍪
For the next 24 days counting towards Xmas, everyone can redeem a FREE advent gift from inside the Train at spawn daily! Teleport to [/spawn], and make your way into the Train. Right-click the chest and loot the prizes!
Note: When you open an advent calendar gift, please take all the items from the chest, as gifts can only be opened once!
Collect XMAS stockings from slaying zombies, zombie pigman, skeletons, wither skeletons, slimes or witches to redeem for an exclusive cosmetic Santa hat!
XMAS stockings can also be dropped from mining gold, diamonds and emeralds (Including deepslate variants)!
During weekends, there is a DOUBLE X2 drop chance for XMAS stockings dropping from the mobs and ores mentioned above.
For a limited time, the Snow Golem pet will be available for purchase using diamonds from the /petshop.
Participate in the server-wide Secret Santa! Fill in this form within the next 72 hours to register your interest, and we'll contact you via in-game mail!
Secret Santa is unfortunately restricted to ranked users only due to issues in previous years with players leaving and gifts not being prepared.
Join the Secret Santa:
How to prepare your secret Santa present :
- Grab any coloured shulker of your choice.
- Fill the shulker with items that you would be happy to receive.
- Rename the shulker with the player IGN of the name you received in your in-game mail.
- Throw the shulker inside the hopper by the big Xmas tree at Spawn by the 20th of December.