Troubleshooting Lag: Understanding & Running MTR

The MTR probes routers on the route path by limiting the number of hops individual packets may traverse, and listening to responses of their expiry.

MTR for Windows

  1. Download and install WinMTR from here.
  2. Run WinMTR and enter into the Host: box.
  3. Wait 2 minutes.
  4. Click Copy text to clipboard to copy the MTR results.
  5. Upload your results in a support ticket on our discord server.

MTR for Mac

  1. Install Homebrew by entering this command into Terminal: /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"(Note: You may be asked for username and password.)
  2. Install mtr using Homebrew with: brew install mtr.
  3. Run mtr with: mtr -w -c 100 -z
  4. Select, copy (Command + C), and upload the Terminal window's content in a support ticket on our discord server.

MTR for Linux

  1. Open Terminal.
  2. Install mtr: For Ubuntu/Mint: sudo apt install mtr. For Fedora: sudo yum install mtr. (Consult your Linux distribution's website if these commands don't work.)
  3. Run mtr with: mtr -w -c 100 -z
  4. Select, copy, and upload the Terminal window's content in a support ticket on our discord server.

Additional Tips

  • Ensure your network devices (router, modem) are in good condition and updated.
  • Avoid running heavy internet-usage tasks while playing, as they can contribute to lag.
  • Regularly update your computer and software.
  • Use a stable and high-speed internet connection for better experience.
  • Get in touch with your ISP if you're experiencing consistent lag issues.