Server Update 4.6 | Winter

Hello everyone!

We're excited to announce the following new enhancements for the festive winter update on CatCraft!

Winter themed Spawn

Thank you Scooberty for decorating spawn to celebrate the festive winter season!

It's snowing!

Soft snow has begun to fall in cold biomes in the resource world and at spawn. Rainstorms have been replaced with vigorous but harmless snowstorms. Use the command /snow to toggle the snow particles.

XMAS Advent Calendar

For the next 24 days counting towards Xmas, everyone can redeem a free advent gift every day inside the train at spawn.

Note: When you open an advent calendar gift, please ensure to take all the items from the chest, as gifts can only be opened once!

Gift Presents

  1. Place a chest on your claimed land.
  2. Place a sign on the chest, and type [Gift] on the first line.
  3. On the third line, type your friends player IGN.
  4. Exit out of the sign.
  5. Congratulations, you have created a gift chest for your friend! The player whose name is matching the lines below [Gift] can open your present, however, they must also have access to chests in your claim. If you would like to gift a present to a friend that isn't trusted with your claims, simply place the chest outside your claim in the wilderness. Additionally, if you would like to secretly give a present to someone, place the chest in non-claimed land, and only type [Gift] on the sign, and leave the other lines blank.

Tip: Add multiple friends by simply adding their names on the third and fourth lines of the sign.

Winter Crate

Check out this year's exclusive Xmas crate, featuring more than 30 unique, professionally custom-designed items along with creative item lores by our creative writers!

Click here to see the 2021 Winter Crate!

Thank you to our talented writers aichromic, cozyveil and scooberty for this years winter item lores!

Secret Santa

Participate in the server-wide Secret Santa! Fill in a form here by the 8th December to register your interest and we'll contact you via in-game mail!

Requirements: Secret Santa is restricted to ranked users or players with a playtime greater than 14 days.

Disclaimer: Please do not participate if you can not prepare a present by the 20th December. We will let you know of your secret Santa by the 10th of December through in-game

How to prepare your secret Santa present :

  1. Grab any coloured shulker of your choice.
  2. Fill the shulker with items that you would be happy to receive.
  3. Rename the shulker with the player IGN of the name you received in your in-game mail.
  4. Throw the shulker inside the hopper by the big Xmas tree at Spawn by the 20th of December.

Tough Snowman

All snowman will deal three hearts of damage to hostile mobs. Hostile mobs will not attack snowman, making them a great form of defence to survive the brisk winter. Lastly, there is a 15% chance for a naturally spawned zombie to become a snowman.